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Sacred rooms

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Sacred rooms
October 2024

Architectural Design Workshops 3 Raffaella Neri, Silvia Binetti; Vittorio Uccelli, Paolo Vitali

2 OCTOBER, classroom III C
10:30 a.m.
Alessandro Tognon UNIBO Rudolf Schwarz. Kirchen

3:00 p.m.
Cinzia Pieruccini UNIMI
The Hindu temple. 
Replication and enactment

3 OCTOBER, classroom 2.2.4
10:00 am.
Paolo Zermani UNIFI Architecture is sacred

9 OCTOBER, classroom III C
9:30 am.
Guido Morpurgo IUAV
The architecture of synagogues. Tradition and design

16 OCTOBER, classroom IIIC
2:30 pm.
Claudia Sansò UNITN 
A Mosque in the West
The architectural project for the multi-ethnic city

17 OCTOBER, classroom 2.2.4
9:30 am.
Tomaso Monestiroli POLIMI
Four churches plus one