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Cultural project

The Cultural and Educational Project of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering (AUIC) pursues the objective firstly to train "competent graduates in the specific field of design and construction, capable of responsibly measuring themselves with the problems that reality poses at several levels and on different themes: from the building to the interior space, from the city to the territory, the landscape, and the cultural heritage; secondly, to nurture the centrality of the project "understood, in its unity, as a synthesis of multiple knowledge" and on the connection between this practice and the founding principles of polytechnic culture, for the "formation of graduates capable of leading to unity the different disciplines that responsibly take part in projects of transformation of the physical environment" third, to activate the School as a "place of knowledge production as well as knowledge transmission, consistent with the role of anticipation and cultural elaboration that belongs to the University [... ] point of reference of a process of profound change that requires important contributions both on the level of the definition of new professional roles and on the level of innovative processes capable of restoring competitiveness, but also of outlining a turning point on the level of the quality of the future habitat."
The underlying goal is to shape a precise location and characterization of the AUIC School within the country's university system, combining the solid tradition of Italian architecture schools with profoundly innovative experiences and identifying a precise and peculiar space among European and international polytechnic schools.

The first six years of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering's life were marked by the consolidation of an ambitious cultural project, unique in the country, based on an attempt at integration of areas of education traditionally located in the separate hives of architecture, urban planning, landscape and construction engineering. It was a reform project that matured within a context that, on the knowledge side, was beginning to understand the centrality of the themes of environmental sustainability and digitalization, already widely practised elsewhere, that on the labour market side, was suffering a widespread, deep and prolonged crisis in the construction and public administration sectors; and that on the training side was seeing a gradual decline in the attractiveness of the supply referred to these fields, the natural occupational outlets for graduates of the School.
In that context, we were able to build a vision project deeply rooted in the polytechnic culture, based on the careful search for a balance between the technical and cultural dimensions of design activity and the processes of transformation of the built environment, in which the different working traditions of the Schools of Architecture and the School of Construction Engineering and Architecture found a ground for valid comparison and collaboration.

Honours Programme Advanced School of Architecture (ASA)

"Additional" training course that runs in parallel with the Master of Architecture Degree Courses (class LM-4), the objective of which is to strengthen and develop the figure of the architect-designer, through design and research activities

Exhibition Space Guido Nardi - Galleria del Progetto

The exhibition space, called the Guido Nardi Exhibition Space - Project Gallery opens to Italian and foreign students, professors and the local community with exhibitions of the highest cultural and qualitative