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The School

AUIC Contacts for Professors and Externals  

To contact the Dean's AUIC School Secretariat

Contact the AUIC Presidency Secretariat for issues and information related to: 

  • didactics programming
  • School Council and Joint Board management
  • administrative services
  • professors and tutors calls, contracts and services related to professors and educational programs
  • visiting Professors and Internationalization

This department offers services relating to the educational programs and contracts (from calls for professors, through contracting and ending with payment of the collaborative invoice):


Communication, Web and Cultural External Relations AUIC service  

For questions regarding services relating to: Communication, AUIC School's website (, Exhibit scheduling, Events, Seminars, Initiatives/Projects, Prizes/Awards, and External Relations.


Galleria del Progetto - Exhibition hall Guido Nardi, school website, external relations, exhibitions, culture, events, seminars, prizes/awards  

The unit offers support services for the communication of events and seminars and for the organization and management of the Galleria del Progetto – Exhibition Hall Guido Nardi.

This department offers support services for: school communication, national and international external relations, the organization and management of the Galleria del Progetto -  Exhibition Hall Guido Nardi (exhibitions, seminars, events, productions), the website of the school, management and supervision of awards for current students and graduates.

The office is the first contact for companies and institutions that want to begin collaborations with the School of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Construction Engineering in different ways such as: workshops, promotion of competition ideas, and organization of seminars/round tables in which the school sponsors the initiative.

  • web content management of the School's website
  • organization and management of the Project Gallery - Guido Nardi Exhibitions Space
  • internal and external communication of the School in support of University communication

E-mail Prizes: