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Internal Double Degrees

The internal double degrees (in collaboration between courses of study at the Politecnico di Milano) are recently established multi-disciplinary courses spread over six semesters (three years) that allow two Master's degrees to be obtained.


Internal Double Degrees

Building and Architectural Engineering (LM-24) and Mechanical Engineering (LM-33)

Double Degree in Building and Architectural Engineering (LM-24) and Mechanical Engineering (LM-33)

Deadline: 27/7/2020
The selected students must confirm participation no later than 5/8/2020 by sending an e-mail to

Management of Built Environment (LM-24) / Management Engineering (LM-31)

Double Degree in Building and Management of Built Environment (LM-24) and Management Engineering (LM-31)

Deadline: 22/11/2022
The interview will be held online on 1 December 2022 at 1:00 pm in online mode by connecting HERE.
More info: sending an e-mail to

Management of Built Environment – Gestione del Costruito (LM-24) / Urban Planning and Policy Design – Pianificazione Urbana e Politiche Territoriali (LM-48)

Double Degree Management of Built Environment – Gestione del Costruito (LM-24) / Urban Planning and Policy Design – Pianificazione Urbana e Politiche Territoriali (LM-48)

Deadline: 23/11/2023
The interview will be held online on 1 December 2023 at 9:30 am in online mode by connecting HERE.
More info: sending an e-mail to