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Student Representatives  

University is the place where we can increase our knowledge but also our desires about our future. Here we come together, students and professors, intending to follow that intuition that one, two, five years ago led us to choose this school.

Every two years there is an election of students' representatives in the University's governing bodies. Some of us decide to stand for voting with the desire to make proposals to improve teaching, services, help with the study but also to propose meetings, trips and cultural events that open us up to reality. The idea of running as representatives for many of us was born from a concrete proposal made by older friends to live even more intensely being in University, studying and participating actively in what happens. There are several student lists in our Athenaeum and each in its way works for the common good.

The student representatives are present in two bodies: the Programme boards, the Joint Commitee and the School Council.

Programme Boards  

Each course of study has a Programme board, in which are discussed proposals and issues related to that specific direction. This moment is the most humble but at the same time the most useful place where the representatives can attest their responsibility.

For those who would like to meet them here are their contact details divided by the course of study:

Bachelor Degrees  

  • Building and Construction Engineering (497) Class of degree L-23 Science of techniques for construction

    • Lorenzo Di Giovanni
    • Id Saird Zakaria


  • Architectural Design (1094) Class of degree L-17 - Science of architecture

    • Jemma Airoldi (representative in the Council and Joint Board)
    • Diane-Sophie Capelle
    • Shreshtha Choudrhury
    • Carlo Maria Gagliardi
    • Caterina Giusti
    • Alessandra Gnocchi
    • Meric Gulduoglu
    • Maribel Iacovone
    • Pier Giuseppe Ingegnoli
    • Wiktoria Oktavia Krawczy
    • Luca Lombardi (representative in the Council and Joint Board)
    • Elena Menna
    • Silvia Panicucci
    • Calvino Andrea Frescaroli Pedemonti
    • Virginia Quadri
    • Binaca Sellaroli
    • Giovanni Sironi
    • Elena Surovet (representative in the Council and Joint Board)
    • Benedetta Tei (representative in the Council and Joint Board)


  • Urban Planning: City Environment Landscape (1093) Class of degree L-21 - Science of urban development planning, urban planning, landscaping and environmental 
    • Davide Lazzarin
    • Lorenzo Monceri 


Master degrees

  • Architecture - Built Environment - Interiors (1195)_Class of degree LM-4 - Architecture and building engineering - architecture

    • Elisabetta Alberton  
    • Francesco Celino
    • Maria Letizia Guido
    • Maddalena Lenzo
    • Ilaria Masciarelli
    • Martina Pagliarini


  • Architecture - Building Architecture (1017)_Class of degree LM-4 - Architecture and building engineering - architecture

    • Giulia Mondoni
    • Elisabetta Taffa


  • Architecture and Urban Design (1217)_Class of degree LM-4 - Architecture and building engineering - architecture

    • Davide Battel  
    • Vittoria Mantello
    • Carlo Minatta
    • Marco Palumbo
    • Elena Picchetti
    • Tommaso Sanese


  • Building Engineering (1142)_Class of degree LM-4 - Architecture and building engineering - architecture

    • Margherita De Flammineis 


  • Building Architectural Engineering (1095)_Class of degree LM-4 - Architecture and building engineering - architecture
    • Greta Grandi
    • Chiara Nardelli 


  • Landscape Architecture - Land Landscape Heritage (1187)_Class of degree LM-3 - Landscape Architecture



  • Management of Built Environment - Gestione del Costruito (1096)_Class of degree LM-4 - Architecture and building engineering - architecture

    • Mauro Carlino 
    • Fabio Musitano


  • Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design - Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio (1085)_Class of degree LM-4 - Architecture and building engineering - architecture



  • Urban Planning and Policy Design - Pianificazione Urbana e Politiche Territoriali (1098)_Class of degree LM-48 - Urban and environmental spatial planning 
    • Valentina Lucibello Piani


Master degrees single cycle

  • Building Engineering/Architecture (1144)_Class of degree  LM4 C.U. Architecture and Architectural engineering (five-years)
    • Sara Ferradino
    • Chiara Lancelotti
    • Martin Lusiani
    • Alessandro Poli
    • Paolo Rainoldi
    • Cristina Rohde Salazar