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A wide range of services and opportunities for our students


All Students
Important deadlines for our students

Controllare bene le scadenze riportate nel Calendario di Scuola

All Students
Suspension of teaching activities during degree and master's degree sessions

At the Leonardo Campus, on the days of Degree examinations, teaching is suspended in the mornings; in the afternoons from 2.:30 pm onwards, these…

Welcome week
Welcome week second semester 2024/2025
Available posititions - Students with italian qualifications - master degrees second semester enrollments a.y. 2024/2025
Current students
Notices Polimi for Current Students
Prospective students
Notices Polimi for Prospective Students
Current students
Scholarships "Studying Architecture in Mantova"
Current students
Tuition fees, scolarships and financial aid
Current students
Information, rules and useful links for students enrolled at Politecnico di Milano to Laurea degree (equivalent to Bachelor of Science), Laurea Magistrale degree (equivalent to Master of Science), and single courses 
Current students
New Politecnico di Milano mobile app: LIVE YOUR POLITECNICO AT 360°
Current students
New channel Telegram of the Politecnico di Milano Student Secretariat

Official Telegram channel of the Politecnico di Milano Registrar’s Office

Academic calendar

Deadlines. Lectures periods, exams periods, vacation periods.

Lectures and exams

Lecture schedules, exams dates, undergraduate and master's degree exams dates

Study plan and OFA

The Study Plan (PDS) is the list of educational activities (exams, laboratories, other activities) that the student can carry out during each academic year; it has to be submitted


The Tutoring service provides assistance to students throughout their course of study, especially during the first three years

Scholarships and graduation awards

Awards and scholarships, granted by the Polytechnic or other institutions, are published in this section

State exam

To become licensed as an architect and engineer.


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