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What are the N and V parameters

N and V are parameters indicating:
N = sum of credits (CFUs) taken
V = weighted average of the grades of the exams taken determined at the end of the 2nd year from the “beginning of the career”

They determine the possibility for students graduating from the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering of Politecnico di Milano to be admitted by right to the Master's Degree Courses in continuity, i.e., upon application and without evaluation.
Students admitted by right have priority in the allocation of available places.

The application for admission to the Laurea Magistrale must be submitted through online services, within the prescribed deadlines, with no obligation to upload the documentation required for other students.

For more information see the Master's Degree Admissions page.
The calculation criteria were decided by the Academic Senate: it is not possible for the School to recalculate the N and V parameters.