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GIGI GHO' - Architect Engineer 1915-1998 / A creator of modern Milan

8.9 - 25.10.2021


Curator/s: Massimo Ferrari and Claudia Tinazzi with Annalucia D'Erchia


In those years, there was plenty of room for design experimentation. Thin structures, sheet structures, large static reinforced concrete systems and much more. The "strange thoughts" are nothing more than design ideas so innovative, that is, not yet experienced by other professionals, which at the time stimulated me to technical research more than formal, only that they represented so much novelty that I did not even know if I would be able to complete this design path. (...) My strange thoughts represented the final phase of a more comprehensive project where I found it necessary to add new elements for new impulses to the building.

Gigi Gho'

Promoted by Archivio Gigi Gho and School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering

Gianluigi Gho (1915-1998), known as Gigi, was an Italian engineer and architect. Active after World War II, he designed and built numerous residential, commercial and industrial buildings. His works are cited in the main studies dedicated to rationalism and modern architecture in Milan during the years of reconstruction. 

He has worked with some of the most important figures in Italian design culture such as Aldo Favini, Giulio Minoletti and Gio Ponti, with whom he has had a long and sincere friendship. He has collaborated with various artists, including Lucio Fontana and Fausto Melotti.His training was thoroughly modern, and Gho represents a figure of a "cultured professional" through whom we can reread many aspects of the architect's profession in the "laboratory of modernity" that was Milan in the years of post-war reconstruction.

This exhibition constitutes a first moment of critical analysis of the figure of Gigi Gho through the display of a selection of design documents that illustrate a large part of his professional parabola.