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The model as a design and construction tool

14.04 - 28.04 2017


Curator: Giulio Barazzetta


Whenever we discover new techniques, we often stupidly stick to old forms. A new material, like concrete, creates its own forms. A structure is architecturally sound when it is correct.

Pier Luigi Nervi

The exhibition brings together 3 different experiences on the issue of the "model" as a tool to represent architecture, to share recent investigations developed around this subject and compare them.
The exhibition is part of the ongoing studies in Italian and European polytechnic schools which, by investigating exemplary works such as that of Pier Luigi Nervi, has initiated a substantial revision of the relationship between the disciplines of engineering and architecture in the field of design and construction tools and techniques.
The AUIC School, Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, the ABC, Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni and Ambiente Costruito Department and the Material Testing Laboratory of the Politecnico di Milano have produced and promoted it in close coordination with the schools of Architecture and Engineering of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna and the "Tor Vergata" University of Rome.
It is evident that this initiative coincides with the current reconsideration of the scientific and educational project of the schools of architecture and engineering. In particular, the focus is on the themes of so-called complex design. A line of research aimed at the use and meaning of the same term in the design techniques of contemporary buildings.
The three Universities thus brought together propose the convergence of the research and didactic discussion of integrated architecture and engineering design for construction.
The exhibition gives the Politecnico di Milano an experience of concrete reflection on themes specific to schools of engineering and architecture.  The subject of the exhibition is in fact the current situation of the architecture project and a better focus on its objectives for the essential change in the current university education.