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Camilo Rebelo - Parallel Universes

17.4 - 17.5.2024

Curator/s: Guya Bertelli, Camilo Rebelo, Michele Roda

The exhibition investigates the architectural and artistic experience of Camilo Rebelo.

A Portuguese designer, the author reinterprets the formal elements of composition through an intense relationship with matter, in a continuous and profound interference with the landscape.

The exhibition moves on two parallel, sometimes overlapping tracks:

  • on the one hand 7 constructed projects, in strong dialectic with the different lands with which they come to interact;
  • on the other a horizon of images, materials and ideas, often 'suspended' to define a narrative path that is always coherent, though rich and complex, where the search for authentic reflection overcomes the urgency of construction.

Space takes on multiple and complex dimensions, giving rise in sequence to those 'Parallel Universes' that appear in the title: architecture for Rebelo is an instrument of formal discovery (even of unexpected places), of innovative relational connections, of surprising material juxtapositions.

On the occasion of the exhibition a dedicated catalog is published by Maggioli.

The promoting committee consists of Guya Bertelli with Marco Bovati, Marco Bozzola, Stefano Di Vita, Pierfranco Galliani, Henrique Pessoa, and Michele Roda.