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Antonio Monestiroli. Architettura. La ragione degli edifici

25.02 - 22.03 2019


Curator/s: Raffaella Neri - Tomaso Monestiroli


Every architectural project is based on a well-defined cognitive activity [...] The concrete material object of this cognitive activity is twofold: the external reality in its connections with architecture and the historical fact of architecture and that an idea of architecture is based on the relationships between these two aspects of reality.

Antonio Monestiroli

The exhibition is dedicated to the work of Antonio Monestiroli: professor emeritus of the Polytechnic, director of the Department of Architectural Design, founder, with others, and then dean of the School of Civil Architecture.The projects on display cover a long period from 1972 to the present and include competitions and completed works.The title of the exhibition refers to the research of the author, observant to the theoretical aspects of the design, and to the deepening of the reasons that motivate the formal and expressive choices of architecture. The issues of urban design, typological research, and the characteristics of buildings, the relationships between architecture and construction, are the main themes of Antonio Monestiroli's work, where Enlightenment rationality and realism are the principles that guide research.