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Graduation Awards

Archiprix International

This section lists the projects mentioned by the former School of Architecture and Society (now the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering) by invitation of the organization Archiprix International, based in Rotterdam - The Netherlands, we particaped in:

Preselected projects - editions in which the School has participated

ProjectRethinking memory through historical urban morphology. Checkpoint Charlie, a new cultural district
Author/sSevim Ece Elemen and Marta Giulia Vitali
Supervisor/sProf. Michele Caja
Websiteproject link | archiprix 2021 jury

ProjectWalicow, fortezza della Memoria. Progetto per un museo del presente tra le rovine dell'ex-ghetto di Varsavia_ Polonia
Author/sSara Pellegrini and Domenico Spagnolo
Supervisor/sProf. Guido Morpurgo
Websiteproject link | archiprix 2019 jury

Note: This Degree Thesis has been nominated by the jury of Archiprix 2019 for the granting of a prize.
More details: at this link
05-05-2019: Sara Pellegrini and Domenico Spagnolo have won the Archiprix International 2019. You can find the results at this link, while here here you can see the interview carried out in January 2019 by the Archiprix staff.

ProjectProgetto per una Citè de Refuge in Piazzale Accursio a Milano
Author/sValerio Maria Sorgini and Greta Maria Taronna
Supervisor/sProf. Ilaria Valente
Websiteproject link | general link

ProjectThe Scar City | Desert Organism [NOMINATED 2015]
Author/sHaitham Nabil
Supervisor/sProf. Remo Dorigati, Co-supervisor Prof. Gian Luca Brunetti
Websiteproject link

ProjectUna isla como Taller | A place for photography in Lanzarote
Author/sSimone Trevisan, Michele Miserotti
Supervisor/sProf. Gian Carlo Floridi
Websiteproject link

ProjectLe nouvel horizon project for a sperimental district in Paris
Author/sSara Impera
Supervisor/sProf. Sergio Crotti
Websiteproject link

ProjectContemporary art to the Court of Justice in Milan
Author/sAnna Bacchetta, Vito Ciringione, Valentina Ruta, Paola Sturla
Supervisor/sProf. Stefano Boeri
Websiteproject link

ProjectMilan, Viale Abruzzi 9 11 Via Hayez 17 19: five small enlargements
Author/sDora Pugliese
Supervisor/sProf. Decio Guardigli
Websiteproject link

ProjectMilano apart
Author/sChiara Quinzi, Diego Terna
Supervisor/sProf. Remo Dorigati, Prof. Giovanni La Varra
Websiteproject link

ProjectArchitecture and Psyche
Author/sFederica Sala, Sara Vertola
Supervisor/sProf. Marisa Bertoldini, Arch. Barbara Ferrari
Websiteproject link