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Welcome AUIC Freshmen

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To all oura AUIC School Freshmen:

Don't miss the Welcome Day and the stands prepared for you by The Student Representatives AUIC School!

Below you will find the programme and the link to our School website, where useful information and updates will be published (

Friday 13 September, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.:

Vita da studente: parole chiave della vita universitaria e qualche consiglio (Student life: key words of university life and some advice).
classroom T.2.1- Via Ampère 2, Milan, Building 13 (Trifoglio Building), second floor,

Access to the classroom is limited up to available places; the classroom will open at 9.30 am.

The presentation will be given in Italian, but there will be a time for free questions, which will be translated and answered in English. In any case, we look forward to seeing you at the Let's Talk stands!


Monday 16, Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 September, 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.:

Let's talk!
Building 11, Atrium. - Via Ampère 2, Milan

On the first days of classes, we will be present during the lunch break to get to know you and to answer any questions or needs you may have (in English and Italian).